We went to watch “Inside Job”, a fabulous movie about the crisis, mixing interviews of the highest profile international experts and leaders, with an outstanding narration by Matt Damon !
It pretty much explains what is already laid out in several books, but hearing the confused explanations of top players, their shameless lies, just give the crisis an additional dimension of amorality. It leads one to question what kind of system brings such shallow characters to positions of power or influence – not only in business, but also in politics and academics. The interviews of Eliot Spitzer, former New-york Attorney General, are very revealing, and it’s a shame no prosecutor of that caliber is going after those who should be held accountable for having created the system and profited from what ended-up in ruin for others.
An absolute must-see, you can get all details on IMDB at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1645089/